Hey folks!
Here's my last animation project "Strawberry Jam Arena". It's about the casual mobile game of Lunatic Donkey Berlin. They needed short animations for the prologue.
"Kidnapped from her garden by the revenge seeking Battle Berries and thrown into the Strawberry Jam Arena – Marmalady needs your help! Jam all the strawberries before they get to her! Once you squish enough, this hip Granny, equipped only with her smartphone, can text message special power-ups to help you out! Jam away in this marmalicious, action packed clicking adventure!"
We hope we made it well. Tell us what you think!
Thanx in advance
.. and happy smashing!
iTunes Preview: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id996911770
GooglePLAY: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.LunaticDonkey.StrawberryJamArena